Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Can i use Loreal Excelence haircolor over bleached hair that turned grayish from bad toner?

My hair is bleached and turned gray from toner. I want to forget Sally's professional products since i screw everything up and just want to put a boxed color on it to make it simple.

I want brown hair again and forget this bleaching. Can i use Loreal's boxed haircolor over bleach to get a brown?

I am concerned that the bleach/toner took most of the pigment away since it's an ashy color now. Can you put Loreal's product over bleached hair? Any brown reccommendations that work over horrible bleached/ashy hair? thanks so much!!

Can i use Loreal Excelence haircolor over bleached hair that turned grayish from bad toner?

I dont suggest using bleach over ashy hair.

Please call a hair stylist first to make sure

Can i use Loreal Excelence haircolor over bleached hair that turned grayish from bad toner?


Stop what you are doing and put down the box. Go to a professional. Once you have made your hair that weird gray color or that greenish tint one, you need to pay the pro to un-%26amp;*$% it. Plus, you are over processing your hair. It can fall out... It really does happen.

Can i use Loreal Excelence haircolor over bleached hair that turned grayish from bad toner?

First off, give yourself a good conditionaing treatment beforehand.You need to use a haircolor with "ash" in it and since your hair was bleached, choose a lighter color than you want . The bleach leaves the hair rather porous and it may come out darker than you want. The ash in the dye will counteract the unwanted tones. Make sure you do the roots for 10 minutes, then the ends for 10 minutes. The bleach makes the hair porous, especially the ends, so you need to do this for even color. Try Revlon Colorsilk in Light Ash Brown - it is ammonia-free and will leave hair soft and silky. I like this brand bc it is inexpensive and good quality.

Can i use Loreal Excelence haircolor over bleached hair that turned grayish from bad toner?

You can use a boxed at-home color to fix it. Use this instead of excellence-

It will help your hair look healthier because the chemicals are not as harsh. I actually just had this same problem a few months ago. Use a shade that has "warm" or "golden" in the name. Avoid anything that says "cool" or "ash". It'll look green.

I actually decided to go red, and i love it!

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