Sunday, July 26, 2009

I lightened my hair with Loreal's Preference Blondissimes and now I have two scabs on my scalp.

away on their own or should I use a hydrocortisone cream on them?

I lightened my hair with Loreal's Preference Blondissimes and now I have two scabs on my scalp. Will they go

For a few years now I have been using Loreal and Feria for my hair color and just today one of my friends wanted to bleach her hair and die it blonde...sooooo....we startted the process and about 40 mins into the application her hair got EXTREMELY hot and we had to wash it out immediately! so once we did that we used nice and easy for the second color and her head stated burning...more then likely you have an allergic reaction to this product and using a cream won't really do anything for it other then make it moist and make your hair gooey so If I was u then i would refrain form using any hair sprays or other irritants to the scalp for at least 3-4 time you go to dye it make sure to read the instructions for the allergy testing andif you go to a beauty salon make sure you tell them what the products name was and what effect it had on your scalp.....good luck

I lightened my hair with Loreal's Preference Blondissimes and now I have two scabs on my scalp. Will they go

I am pretty positive that they will go away on their own but just to be completely safe and to get them to go away faster I would use the cream

I lightened my hair with Loreal's Preference Blondissimes and now I have two scabs on my scalp. Will they go

you need to describe the areas on you head with a little more detail before someone could make a diagnosis. How long from the time they showed up did the lesions appear? Have you had lesions like this in the past? Where on your head are the scabs located? What kind of shampoo do you use; did you change that recently?

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